WHO Celebrates International Day Of Persons With Disabilities

The World Health Organisation (WHO) wants to raise awareness of those suffering from disabilities by celebrating a United Nations’ campaign.

December 3rd marked the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) 2021, which was launched by UN to work towards an “inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-Covid-19 world”.

The UN noted the pandemic has made the inequality gap wider, meaning the one billion people across the world who suffer from a disability are now even more disadvantaged than they were beforehand.

“People with disabilitiesare one of the most excluded groups in our society and are among the hardest hit in this crisis in terms of fatalities,” stated the UN, adding that an “integrated approach” is needed to make sure those with disabilities are not discarded.

The WHO has thrown itself in support of the campaign, stating: “It is essential that disability inclusion is central to health system planning, development, and decision making.

By making more people, leaders and organisations aware of the extent of disability, including the fact that many of us will experience it in our lifetime, and one in ten children are born with a deformity, the UN hopes to promote disability inclusion.

In order to do this, the WHO states people with disabilities need to be central to health sector decision-making and barriers in the health and social sectors need to be broken down to stop the inequality gap from widening further.

It appears there is still some way to go after Israel’s energy minister Karine Elharrar was left unable to attend the COP26 climate event last month as her transportation was not suitable for wheelchair users.

Indeed, the UN noted that disabled people are less likely to access health care, employment, education and community engagement even without the added complications of Covid-19.


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