Our Top Tips To Improve Bathroom Safety

One of the most hazardous parts of the house is the bathroom, because the floor is often wet, which means that you’re far more likely to have slips and falls in this particular room.

As we age and our needs inevitably change, it becomes even more important to make sure our homes reflect our capabilities and it is likely that you will need to make some adaptations as time goes on if you want to stay living independently at home for as long as possible.

You can start small by making sure the floor is safe. Unstable flooring and loose carpet can both be very dangerous, so make sure that everything is properly secure and there’s nothing you can trip over. 

Make sure that any flooring you have in the bathroom is slip-resistant. Non-slip mats can prove very useful, both on the floor of the room itself but also in the bath and shower.

Also think about the kind of white goods you have in the room, as you can invest in easy access baths, showers and other such infrastructure that can make a real difference to your overall bathing experience at home.

Should it become necessary, there are also bath lifts or hoists that you can buy and have installed, helping those with serious mobility and strength difficulties.

Removing obstacles can also make your bathroom safer to use, so take out anything that doesn’t absolutely have to be there. You can eliminate the risk of stumbling against the side of the bathtub by installing a walk-in shower, as well.

These are just a few ways in which you can start to improve bathroom safety at home. If you’d like any further help or advice, get in touch with us at Absolute Mobility today.


If you’re working from home and need to update your mobility bathroom for extra accessibility, then visit our site today, or if you are interested in finding out more information call us on 01491 411041 or visit our website.

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