Options to Finance Your Home Adaptations

If you are an older person, or require assistance with your mobility, you may need adaptations to your home to maintain independent living. The cost of these can make the prospect seem daunting, and may even mean that essential work which could make life easier, safer, and healthier, is not carried out.

However, depending on your circumstances, there is financial help available, and it’s always worth exploring the options even if it is with the future in mind. Your local authority can provide funding to help disabled people, or those with mobility issues, to continue living independently or semi-independently.

In the first instance, contact your local authority to arrange a needs assessment, which will determine what help you may be eligible for. An occupational therapist will visit your home, with a view to making recommendations for any aids and adaptations that are required to maintain independent living.

A care plan will then be put in place to advise what work needs to carried out to your home, which could involve either major or minor adaptations. Depending on the costs involved, you will be able to apply for funding. In England, minor adaptations which cost less than £1,000 are usually provided and fitted free of charge by social services.

If major adaptations are required, costing over £1,000, you will be able to apply for a grant from your local council. In England and Wales, these are known as Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG).

If you would like further advice and support for any issues around home adaptations, it is worth contacting the Home Improvement Agencies (HIA). They provide information to assist older and/or disabled people to live safely at home.


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