The very latest in walk-in baths! The Easy Riser comes with a power seat to provide assistance lowering and raising into the bath.

Hydrotherapy Baths & Accessible Bathroom Design

What is hydrotherapy? Hydrotherapy utilises different water temperatures and applications to treat symptoms of health conditions. It is also known as water therapy or aquatic therapy. Hydrotherapy can be as simple as taking a warm bath at home and includes the use of pressurised jets, hot and cold temperatures and…

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The luxor walk in bath with powered lifting belt

An Arthritis Friendly Bathroom

One of our recent jobs was for Ms T who has arthritis in her shoulders and elbows. She was enjoying her retirement by refurbishing her home room by room and now turned her attention to the bathroom. Due to her reduced mobility her bathroom was becoming difficult to use and…

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man enjoying bike ride in countryside

How Exercise Brings A Better Quality Of Life

As we're often told by doctors and medical professionals, the better care we take of ourselves through eating healthily and doing regular exercise the better quality of life we can expect as we age. However, it seems that many of us find it difficult to follow this sound advice. According…

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Toddler trying to get into bath

Overcoming Mobility Problems Associated With Using The Bathtub

Anyone suffering from reduced mobility, whether temporary or permanent, can find the normally simple task of having a bath quite difficult. Here we look at some of the specific problems that can be experienced, alongside a range of solutions that will make using the bathtub safe and easy. The problems…

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Which Bath Lift Is Right For Me?

All types of bath lift provide assistance getting up and down in the bath and can be easily fitted to an existing bath tub without any major bathroom changes. A simple bath lift can be lifted into the bath tub and secured with suction cups to the bottom of the…

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elderly womans hands on walking stick

Choosing A Walk In Bath For The Disabled Or Elderly

Anyone who now finds standard baths awkward to use are running the risk of finding themselves unable to get out of a bath, a very unpleasant and distressing experience for anyone who has been through it. Slips, falls and the injuries that arise can be debilitating and life changing if serious.…

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walk in shower bath

The Walk-In Bath Guide – Part 2: The Installation

Welcome back to our walk-in bath guide. Having read part 1 you will now have an appreciation of the types of baths available. In part 2, we look at the more practical aspects of the decision making process including, finances and feasibility. Part 1 - Your Walk-In Bath Options Site…

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walk in bath

The Walk-in Bath Guide – Part 1: Your Options

Buying a walk-in bath, sometimes referred to as a bath with a door, is a decision which requires careful thought. It's an expensive purchase and anyone thinking of buying one will want reassurance they have selected the right bath for their needs. Before deciding on which bath to choose, it's…

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