Tips To Make An Older Person’s Home Safer

If you care for an older person, you may become concerned about their safety at home at some stage. Faculties such as mobility, eyesight, and hearing might not be quite what they used to be. There are some practical steps you can take to help them maintain independence, and reduce the risk of falls and other serious accidents.


The kitchen.

Many hazards are present in the kitchen for an elderly person. If they have arthritic hands and struggle lifting a kettle of boiling water, replace it with a one-cup travel kettle, or fit a tipper. To avoid the difficulty of reaching high shelves, convert as much storage as possible to drawers and low units.

If the oven is not already installed at eye-level, have it adjusted to avoid uncomfortable positions when extracting hot food dishes. Pedestals can also be fitted under washing machines and other white goods, to avoid kneeling. Make sure the flooring is of a slip-resistant and low maintenance material, such as laminate.


The bedroom.

Make sure the room is tidy and uncluttered to minimise the risk of trips and falls. Check that a working smoke detector is installed near the room, as the older person may be hard of hearing and take longer to wake. Other tips include making sure the lighting is bright and in a convenient place, and drawer handles are easy to grip.


The bathroom.

If mobility is difficult for the older person, install grab rails by the toilet and bath. Ideally, a tiled bathroom floor should be replaced with a non-slip laminate material, but if this is not possible, fit some non-slip rugs or shower mats. Also consider changing taps to lever handles, which are easier to operate than twist-open styles.

Walk-in baths and showers are also a good idea to help prevent tripping, and for those who are wheel-chair bound.


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