Why It’s Never Too Late To Start Exercising

Many people cut back or stop exercising altogether as they get older, for fear of falls and injuries. Adults who have never exercised regularly often assume that it is too late to start, or that it will bring no benefit to them. However, these are false assumptions, according to medical opinion, and staying active in old age can help to extend your lifespan.

Harvard Health reports that even people in their 60s and beyond who are not used to exercise can significantly improve their quality of life and health by embarking on a regular exercise routine. These conclusions are based on a study which began in the 1990s, and followed the activity rates of 315,000 adults through to 2011.

Those who said that they had exercised consistently since youth had a 36% lower risk of dying early than those who reported no exercise. However, encouragingly, those adults who reported taking up exercise in their 40s, 50s, or 60s, had a 35% lower risk of dying, compared to those who took no exercise.

This view is backed up by a recent article in the British Medical Journal, which describes exercise as one of the best ‘life enhancing medicines’ which should be used as much as possible! Exercise is especially beneficial for seniors, because it improves the strength and balance, which reduces the risk of falls, and helps the person remain independent for longer.

It can also help to prevent or delay the onset of serious health conditions, such as dementia, heart disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes. It is also great for mental health and wellbeing, boosting mood, energy levels, mental sharpness, and it is a well-known method of controlling anxiety and depression. 


What exercise is best for seniors?

If you have never exercised before, the prospect of beginning in later life can seem daunting. However, there are plenty of very simple ways to increase your activity levels, and build up your strength and confidence gradually. Here are some of the best exercises to try.


To improve cardio fitness

Including a brisk 10-minute walk in your daily routine can soon yield results in terms of improvements to lung capacity, suppleness, and stamina. When you are ready to push yourself a little further, you could try slow jogging.

Domestic chores, such as dusting, vacuuming, weeding the garden, and raking grass all help to maintain fitness, so try and do these yourself on a weekly basis. Exercise can also be a social activity, such as tennis lessons, or ballroom dancing classes. For those who prefer solo activities, swimming or cycling may suit.


To improve strength

Building up your strength helps you to keep your muscles in good shape. Lifting weights or using a resistance band to carry out repetitive movements are effective weight training methods, as are push ups and sit ups. 


Balance and suppleness

It is important to maintain good balance and flexibility as you age, to reduce the risk of falls, and ensure that you can carry out the tasks of daily living for as long as possible. Yoga, tai chi, or other stretching exercises will all help with this. 

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